Monday, April 18, 2011

Spicy Salmon glaze, oh so easy!

I love salmon and this has to be my favorite way to cook it!

1/4 cup red pepper jelly 
3 garlic pieces garlic clove
1 tablespoon olive oil 
1 bunch cilantro 
1tablespoon lemon juice 
salt and pepper to taste 
lemon wedges 

Place all ingredients in a small food processor, blend together and spoon over salmon before cooking. I prefer to BBQ it on a cedar plank. Save about 2 tablespoons to put on after it's cooked. Serve with lemon wedges. Delicious! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Coffee and honey face mask

I absolutely love to make skin care products out of ingredients found in my kitchen! Many of the products we eat to nourish our bodies are just as fantastic for our skin. One of my favorite masks is made with honey and coffee! 

Coffee is a great ingredient for the skin. It's rich in antioxidants which prevent aging and repair skin damage. It is highly effective at removing toxins and reducing puffiness. Honey is a natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and is very moisturizing to the skin. This is simple to apply and you're skin will feel oh so soft after just 10 minutes. On a side note I swear the caffeine soaks right through my skin and gives me a little caffeine rush so maybe skip your morning cup of coffee when you apply it!

2tsp honey
2tsp used coffee grounds (caffeinated)

Mix together and apply to the skin, leave on for 10-15 minutes then wash off with warm water. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To Block or not to Block?

Every year when spring arrives and the weather begins to change I look forward to all the beauty of summer; beach days, fresh garden food, warm evening walks, lazy days by the pool I could go on and on. With all this beautiful sun comes responsibility! We must decide if and how to protect our skin from the suns harmful rays. Long past are the days of rubbing baby oil on your body and going for the "how dark can I get look" well at least for most of us. 

Personally, I protect my skin because of the two C's; cancer and crows feet! I am pale and my skin burns easily. I would like to avoid the long-term consequences of unprotected sun exposure! Now don't think you're safe because you always get a golden tan and never burn. In fact the UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin and give you that color are equally as dangerous as UVB that burns. 

So just put some sunscreen on and you're good right? Not exactly. First, some of the ingredients in sunscreen leave me opting for a burn instead! Secondly, only about 10% of sunscreens block UVA rays. If that isn't annoying enough sunscreen is hardly regulated by the FDA. Manufacturers are not required to test the products to see if they work.  

So what to do? Make sure the sunblock you use has UVA and UVB protection, check the safety of the ingredients (, wear a hat and see what happens. If you find yourself burning or tanning then try another brand. 

There are two sunscreens I use and I have found them to be safe and effective;  california baby and alba botantica. 

Enjoy the sun! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Clean House, Healthy House!

I'm a huge fan of a clean house but not of all the toxic ingredients in household cleaners! Here are a few of my favorite go to cleaners that are inexpensive and safe! 

Wood Cleaner: 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup water, 1tsp soap, 1tablespoon olive oil few drops rosemary extract  

Wood polish:  2tablespoons olive oil, 1tsp lemon juice mix together, apply directly to cloth and rub on wood 

Stone and glass: 1 Cup Vinegar to 1 gallon water (I prefer warm water on glass)

All purpose: 1/2 cup vinegar 2 teaspoons Borax, 1/2 gallon water, essential oil for scent 
 1tsp liquid soap, 1tsp borax, 2tsp lemon juice, 2 cups water (I like this in the bathroom)

1/4 cup castile soap and 1 gallon water (I love Dr. Bronner's it will clean just about anything!) 

My favorite bathroom cleaner: cut a lemon in half, put 1tsp borax on the lemon, scrub the counter and wipe with a clean damp cloth! (I have a crazy producing lemon tree so this is an easy one for me) 

Air freshener 
2 cups water
15-20 drops eucalyptus or lavender oil 

Happy, healthy cleaning!